Location: New Jersey, United States

Friday, September 08, 2006

Supergerky in Kindergarten

I can't believe a year has gone by since I updated this. Bad blogger, bad bad blogger. It took me about 45 minutes to remember my username and password too. Serves me right.

Well the house woes seem like forever ago. We are happily in our "new" home and neither of the boys has much memory of the old house. We drove by the other day and they painted it and made so many changes that I wonder if they show their friends the "before" pictures and say things like we say about how horrible the house was when they first moved in. The probably joke about my awful taste. LOL.

Supergerky started kindergarten yesterday. I thought I was going to get all choked up but I really didn't. The two of us skipped to school and had a jolly old time. He was still skipping when I picked him up so all must have gone well. My hubby and I took the day off of work for the occassion and took him out for lunch after school, just the three of us. I am glad he's excited but I didn't need to hear about it this morning at 6:00am. He came in squealing about how he got to go back to kindergarten today, wasn't that great?!? Fabulous. Now go away and come back in an hour.

The only thing that he is more excited about than school is soccer. Give my kid a ball and bunch of kids to kick it around and he is in heaven. Boy did he let me have it though when I drove him to the wrong field for practice last night. Well who the heck decided that they should practice at a field across town from where their games are played?? He just didn't quite fit in with the third grade girls that were playing there - but not from lack of trying. It helped that I wasn't the only moron with a huge L on her forehead - another mom did the same thing. Tomorrow is his first game of the season. You would think I told him he would get free candy and be able to eat as much as he wants by the way he was jumping around.

Now I just have to get through Magician starting preschool on Monday. Anyway, lots more to talk about (amazing how many things actually happen in a year) but I have to run now. More next year, er, I mean tomorrow. 8)


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