Location: New Jersey, United States

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Getting Healthy

Finally after 2.5 weeks home due to snow, holidays and flu, Magician went back to school today. You would think he would have some issues, but nope, walked in, went right to the train set and didn't look back at Mommy. I am not sure whether to be thrilled that I have such a well adjusted, obviously secure child, or cry that he doesn't seem to care if I am there or not. I will opt for A since this is the same child that was glued to me for the last week. He was so miserable - fevers spiking at 103.5, coughing, runny nose, the flu is an evil evil illness. I know. I had it too. So did Daddy who got the flu shot this year. Ha! He was no less sick than the rest of us.

SuperGerky was the only one that didn't get it. I swear that child has the strongest constitution of any kid I have ever met (knock wood). I sometimes wonder if maybe he DOES indeed have some super powers.... hmmm. I can't believe he is turning 6! The things that he does and says just amaze me. The other day he asked me for a "telyawut." I had no idea what a telyawut was - then he explained it to me. He had been asking to stay up until Daddy came home and I said no because Daddy was not due home until midnight-ish. Apparently, when he wants something I will often make a deal with him and say "I'll tell you what (or telyawut)...." usually followed by if you do something you don't want to do, I'll let you do whatever it is you want that I originally said no to. A telyawut. I love it.


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