The Adventures of SuperGerky and The Magician

Location: New Jersey, United States

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

HEY! These feel GOOD!

I am such a bad blogger. So much is happening and changing every day and I can never find the time or motivation to post about it.

A couple of the highlights:

Magician finally started to potty train. Well I guess it was more like Daddy decided that it was time - he wrestled him kicking and screaming and fighting and squirming and wrestling and crying into a pair of underwear. It was hysterical. I heard this fight from the next room but had no idea what was going on - I hear all of this commotion and then mid-sob Magician stops and says "Hey! These feel GOOD!" It was like a switch was flipped in his brain. He hasn't wanted to take them off since. Unfortunately, this has not translated into wanting to actually USE the potty. For the last 3 days we have been following him around with carpet cleaner and a pocket full of underwear. Last night we finally had a bit of a breakthrough. I learned that my un-bribeable child does indeed have a price. The lollipop was JUST out of his reach on the counter. He could SEE it, he could almost TASTE it, but he couldn't get his hands on it until AFTER. We all piled into the bathroom for another round of family potty time and lo and behold we hear this little tinkling sound. I don't think anyone was more surprised then he was. We all did the Potty Joy dance afterwards, which I think was his favorite part. He has not yet repeated the feat, but at least I know it's possible. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

A couple of weeks ago we went to Hershey Park. We go every year during the summer and this is the second time we have gone for the Spring Preview weekend. Some spring. It was between 30-40 degrees the whole time we were there. Snowing too. It didn't dampen the kids' spirits though. They went on any and every ride that they were big enough to ride. Even the little guy has become a bit of a thrill seeker. Of course, they spent a great deal of time huddled under a blanket in a stroller while Daddy and I struggled to push them up the hills and not freeze to death. At one point SuperGerky asked if we could go on a couple of water rides!!!!!! The most precious moment of the weekend however came in the hotel. Supergerky thought Daddy and I were still sleeping but Magician was awake. He looked at him and whispered "I love you." Magician whispered back just as matter of factly, "I love you too" and went back to eating his cereal bar. It was the most natural thing in the world for them and it makes me wonder if that is how they start every day before they come to get us. We are very lucky to have children that are so close. I hope they continue to have that bond forever.

Well, it's back to work for me again.