The Adventures of SuperGerky and The Magician

Location: New Jersey, United States

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My Baby

My baby keeps reminding me he is NOT a BABY ANYMORE! He's 4 now. His birthday was last week and in our usual fashion we had 3 parties. Everyone keeps telling me how much he has matured in the last couple of weeks. Nah, he is still my baby. (I am NOT a BABY!) In fact, on his birthday, after we dropped his brother off at school he went back to the car and tried to climb into the front seat. When I questioned what he was doing he said "Mommy, I'm 4 now. I can drive." HA! I answered, "maybe when you're 5" which seemed perfectly reasonable to him. His parties were fun - especially the one on Saturday night, which was a cocktail parties for all the parents. We let the kids play in the basement and the grownups had a grownup party upstairs. I figure I'm the one that did all the work on that day 4 years ago, why shouldn't we be celebrating ME? But alas, just like on that day 4 years ago, I did all the work this day too. *Sigh.* And like that time 4 years ago, everyone came to my house and "oohed" and "aahed" over everything, brought a couple of gifts for the baby and then left me to my own devices. Ah well, it was fun.

In other news, I was superproud of my Supergerky! A few months ago he saw the movie Zathura and was so taken by it that he decided to write the sequel. He spent days coming up with the plot, writing out the outline and making illustrations (in crayon of course). He was so pleased with the final product that he wanted to send it to the movie studio. We sent it to the director, the executive producer, the movie studio and the PR firm. Well, we were thrilled a couple of days ago when he got a real live letter, addressed to him from the CEO of Radar Pictures (Ted Field) telling him that while he didn't know whether or not they would be doing a sequel, that SG is a wonderfully creative little boy with a great imagination. He thanked him for sharing his work and encouraged him to keep writing. I'm sure it was written by an assistant, but nonetheless, how utterly cool that he got such a great response from the Executive Producer of the film! He was a bit underwhelmed, but I think he will be thrilled as he gets older and realizes what that really is about and who the letter was from. Meanwhile, I wanted to bring the letter to my office for Show and Tell. 8) That's my boy!

And lastly, Gish has renamed me. He now calls me Frieda. I don't know why, he just does. It's a little weird. Frieda. Whatever.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Tis the Season

Ok, my goal for this blog is to write often enough that I don't forget my freakin password every time I try to update!! Actually, I'm not sure if that is a testament to how often I write or a factor of getting older. Not sure which is worse frankly.

ANYWAY, I had to write to gloat about my fabulous children. We have been gearing them up for Chanukah for a while now - telling them that we are going to have a nice dinner together, light the candles, spend the evening together, sing songs, etc. and not to get their hopes up for a lot of presents. The truth is we got them one BIG present (the WII) and a couple of accessories to go with it. We had been telling the boys that they were getting 1 present and that in fact they would have to share it.

So the big night comes and true to our word, we set up a lovely dinner, sing songs, light candles, etc. We suggested we all play a game together (thinking when they asked us what game we would give them their present) and the boys were all too happy to suggest we play Hullabaloo together. OK. Not one mention of gifts all night long. I decided to tease them a little - I asked them if they wanted their present and when two very excited little boys ran over to see what it was, I pulled out 2 chocolate lollipops that I had gotten that afternoon at the store. I expected tears, groans, disappointment, but no. My kids were sooooo excited about the lollipops - and Supergerky even pointed out, "Daddy! You told us we were going to have to SHARE a present! And we EACH got our OWN!" We were baffled, but so touched that even something as small as a $2 chocolate lolly could give them such joy. Who raised these wonderful children to be so free of avarice? Pat pat.

We did ultimately give them the game system and OH MY GOODNESS you would have thought that we handed them the world. I have never seen them so excited. They called their cousin to tell of their good fortune and the disappointment in my brother's son was palpable as he said "I got a book." If it were the other way around, my kids would be thrilled at the prospect of going over there to have a turn. AND after about 45 minutes or so when we said it was bedtime, I got no argument. Just hugs and kisses and a million thank yous. Every day since then, at least 10 times a day SG comes over to hug us and say thank you. What a kid. I learn something from him every day.

Along the same lines, I learned another valuable lesson this week. SG was at a playdate so I asked Magician if he wanted to help me wrap presents - but it was super duper secret. Of course, he promised up down and sideways and swore that he wouldn't tell. I figured it would be a few hours before SG got home and that Gish would have forgotten all about it by then. I did my brother's shopping for my children this year (it was much easier that way). SG has been asking for a big Hot Wheels set for years - ever since he was about 2. We did get him a couple of sets but he would play with them for a couple of weeks and then break them or lose interest. My favorite SG quote came one day after Gish broke one of his hot wheels set - he said "I don't know why you think this baby is so cute! All he does is BREAK things!" Tee hee. But I digress.

Anyway, so Gish helps me wrap SG's hot wheels and promises not to tell. That secret lasted about 6 hours. We were in the car, talking about the candles and the songs, etc. that we were planning for the first night and Gish blurts out "And you are getting Hot Wheels!" I nearly fell over. I instantly tried to mitigate and said "no, he's just pushing your buttons, I am not giving you Hot Wheels." And Gish is busting out of his seat, "no, really! You're getting hot wheels! You really are! Hot Wheels!" At this point, I am hysterical and saying "stop setting him up to be disappointed, you aren't getting it"


SG: So then what am I getting?
Me: I don't know yet - haven't figured out if there will be presents this year or not
SG: No really mom...
Gish (in the background): HOT WHEELS! I told you! You are getting HOT WHEELS!"
SG: Mom, come on, you got me something didn't you?
Gish (practically jumping up and down): I keep telling you! HOT WHEELS, you are getting HOT WHEELS - and I helped wrap it! It's in green paper! HOT WHEELS! REALLY"
Me: Well, don't get your hopes up. You might have to share a present. Don't expect anything too big, we have a lot of bills this year....
Gish: HOT WHEELS! HOT WHEELS! HOT WHEELS! (all the way into the house)
SG: That's ok, Mom.

I could not get that kid to shut up! My lesson: Don't trust an almost 4 year old.

Incidentally, he did not get the Hot Wheels. YET. (you can keep a secret, can't you?)